Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ahh February

That's it! I have come to the conclusion that February should be canceled.
February is an in between time and it usually gets to be downright painful every single year. The holiday season is over...and spring isn't here yet. The days are still short (at least in the northern hemisphere), people are grumpy because there is not enough sun, the stores have not yet gotten new stuff in, and the old stuff is all picked over. And don't we all know deep down that Valentine's Day is just some made up crummy excuse for something that isn't even a real holiday? Nobody actually gets Valentine's Day off, do they?
Perhaps the people who made up the calendar thought that if they stuck this short month of nothingness in near the beginning of the year nobody would notice. Oh, but I notice...The weather is just plain awful. I'm sure we get more snain* in February than in any other month. If there is snow it has gotten dirty and ugly and everyone is tired of it. Most people are just plain miserable.
The bottom line is I'm not convinced there is anything of any value that happens in February that could not be moved to some other, much nicer time of year. We can easily move the relatively new completely made up holiday 'Family Day' to a different month. I'm sure the powers that be stuck it in February just to keep people going. Seeing that it is only the second year for Family Day, nobody has established any real Family Day traditions yet, so let's move it to a different time of year where people can actually have real fun together. I am also fairly certain that in the US President's Day can be moved to another month too. And no offense to people who have February birthdays, but wouldn't you be just as happy celebrating on a nice sunny day in June as a cold crummy day in February?
I really think I'm onto something here. I just don't quite know what to do about it.

*snain: n., snow combined with rain

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